Sunday, January 13, 2019

So i got to be a player last night

Via Discord and Roll20, i got to play Numenera.

and... I have had a few realisations

1/ the inattentiveness and phone playing with that so irritates me about my players, I'm as guilty of.
i need to address that.

2/ I am a terrible rules lawyer.
In my head I was cringing at all the "in my games i...." until i pulled back and realised, I am honoured to be playing this thing. i shouldn't be criticising.

and the game was good.

3/ Am I a good player?
almost like the impostor syndrome i get before playing a gig, I'm so used to being behind-the-screen in games i don't know if I'm a good player to be having in front of it.

4/ Numenera is as good to play as it is to run.
Having to use the system that i feel kinda i own? amazing.
Roll20's adaptation of it is good including the roll macros and DC calc... brilliant.
If i can just figure out how to macro in stat pool spends that would be amazing

and the setting - as lush and grand and small scale as I envisaged it.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

#rpgspree post 2

#rpgspree #rpgspree2019 week 2:
Prompts this week are Avoid / Become


An age ago i did a riff on a friends game system for a modern horror RPG
this was admittedly after the first three WoD games had come out, and this style of game was all the rage. I had called it "What have I Become" and the idea was that the players were transforming into something less than / not quite / more than human (undead, or alien, or fae, or other)
It never went anywhere but the core mechanic was an acceptance / revulsion of the new state of being. I might take that and roll it into my current Dungeon World narrative (if that gets going again, its stopped in favour of Invisible Sun atm)

On the subject of Avoiding - I think that subconsciously I have a line-and- veil in most of my games- there's the veil of sex and relationships and the Line of rape, child abuse and (usually) torture
Its one of those things that i haven't had a character or NPC that's needed to go to those kind of places.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

first post for an age.... #rpgspree 2019 #rpgspree2019

So i saw this on Twitter.
and thought, im gonna do it.


week 1: Redeem / Disrupt

The Easy one on this is Redeem. One of the characters in my current Invisible Sun Narrative, Stobald the Weaver (played by my wife Charli) has the central character Arc "Redemption"
Whilst he was Exiled in Shadow he had bonded with a fellow soldier and as a promise to him whilst he was dying he swore to look after the guys daughter.
He then shortly was pulled back into the Actuality leaving the girl alone.
So far in the story he has found out her name (Eleanor Sunisson), asked the Grey Reapers (the agents of the Hindassah who enter shadow to pull exiled Vislae out, think Morpheus' team but all the Henezah operatives look like Agent Smith) to keep an eye on her, she's been pulled out anyway despite not being Vislae and the party have escorted her to The Rose, an abandoned pub in the middle of a Hate Cyst in Ravehome that her father (who was Vislae) had run.
(this pub is also part of another character's main arc. I frickin love Invisible Sun)

What happens next we arent sure. we left the game after a big fight scene (the first in 9 sessions, which is amazing) and are going to have a group Downtime session to determine next steps and as to what Eleanor (now known as Eleyeanor Mesiach Sui Nixon - linked to a third character's background) wants to do with her life and what can be done next.

so redemption - a journey from a low to a high.

Invisible Sun is the IP and creation of Monte Cook Games. see for details. its in late-stage backerkit for a second printing atm and is not necessarily going to be available again.
Video AP reports of my ongoing narrative are on the Youtube, here .